Sunday, April 8, 2012

Occupy Department of Education

From March 30th to April 2nd, 2012, United Opt Out National held the "Occupy the Department of Education" rally in front of the DOE building in Washington D.C. Although there were no people sleeping in tents and clashing with the police, the term "occupy" was fitting. 

The 1 percent is controlling what is taught to the 99 percent and it is the same narrow set of neo-liberal, free-market ideas (i.e. deregulation and privatization) that screwed up our financial and health care systems that is now destroying public education. All of this is being done so charter and turnaround school executives, testing companies, and the privatized prison industry can make millions of dollars off the backs of mostly poor, minority children. It is also the same people who have profited from a system that purposely creates and sustains inequality who are now financing corporate school "reform" (Broads, Gates, Waltons, etc.).

I'll explain how all of this works in a later post, but wanted to get something on my blog about how incredible this event really was. People from as far away as California, Florida, and Massachusetts came together in solidarity to deliver a strong message to the DOE, Arne Duncan, President Obama, and the billionaire CEOs behind corporate school "reform".

After an amazing weekend of great speakers and people networking with one another, the occupation culminated with a march to the White House where a list of demands was read through a bullhorn.These included, but were not limited to, the audacious ideas that poverty be addressed instead of ignored, music, art, and physical education be put back into our public schools, standardized test scores stop being used to justify corporate "reforms", and that parents, teachers, and students should have a voice in the decisions that directly impact them and need to stop being demoralized and demonized for the failures of policymakers. Basically, they demanded a reversal of the status quo that began with No Child Left Behind (it really began with "A Nation at Risk" in 1983), which was amped up with Race to the Top and School Improvement Grants that make the receipt of badly needed education funding contingent upon privatization efforts. 
Not that they are looking for it, but the United Opt Out organizers deserve a lot of credit for putting together this event with virtually no budget. I was so proud of them for giving people a voice through mic checks and actions, promoting awareness about the most important social justice issue of our generation, and mobilizing people to participate in what is left of our democracy.

You can view the entire event at

"I have the audacity to believe that people's everywhere can have three meals a day for their bodies, EDUCATION and culture for their minds, and dignity, equality, and freedom for their spirits" Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

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