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Monday, May 7, 2012

Problems and Solutions

Below is the text of a one-page hand-out being distributed by Schools Inc.?. The intent is to provide people with information regarding the damaging effects of corporate school reform and resources they can use to do something about it.


Our public education system is where the battle for a better future will be won or lost. Unfortunately, corporate interests know this and are influencing public education policy at the expense of democracy, critical thinking, creativity, parents, teachers, and especially children. A well-funded social engineering project is underway that is attempting to serve the plutocratic desires of the one percent.
The public is being misled about the status of our schools and how to improve them. Progressive educators like Paulo Freire have outlined an alternative system that promotes the common good through critical thinking and self-actualization. The information found at Schools Inc.? ( and through other websites and organizations can help people stay informed and involved in the growing resistance movement to corporate education reform.
Testing companies are making millions in profits via faulty metrics that are harmful to children [1][2][3]
Opting out of high-stakes, standardized testing [16]

National Resolution to End High-Stakes Testing [17]

Push your state and local school board and legislatures to use restorative justice models [18]

Get more info at 
High-stakes testing is narrowing curriculum while incentivizing  the shedding of disadvantaged students [4][5]
Schools (mostly deregulated, private sector run schools) are using zero-tolerance discipline policies, which have been labeled the “school-to-prison pipeline” by human rights organizations [6][7]
Well funded, powerful, and controversial lobbyist groups like ALEC and Stand for Children are influencing educational policy on behalf of the private prison industry (ALEC) and other corporate interests (ALEC, SfC) [8][9][10]
Find out what companies and politicians are associated with these groups, don’t support them, and urge them to cut their ties [19][20]
Parents, students, teachers and other community stakeholders are being continuously excluded from the decision making process [11]
Join a local parent or community-based group that is fighting to save their schools [21]. Pressure your state and especially federal legislators to adopt research-based and community and parent approved reforms. Sign a petition to dump Arne Duncan [22].
The U.S. Department of Education is offering financial incentives to cash-strapped states for every school they privatize and for the use of high-stakes accountability measures [12][13]
Much of the mainstream media is owned or financed by the same people who are pushing for corporate school reform (Gates, Murdoch), which is creating a false narrative about teachers, school “performance”, and solutions [14][15]
Social media (join, read, or create a blog, FB page, or Twitter account), Democracy Now [23], stay connected to organizations made of parents and educators advocating for progressive school reform [21]
Corporate school reforms are working towards creating a society that is void of critical thinking
Pedagogy of the Oppressed [24]

Rethinking Schools  [25]

Zinn Education Project  [26Res]

[1] Rapoport, A. (2011). Education inc.: How private companies profit from public schools
[2] National Center for Fair and Open Testing.  Tests, cheating, and educational corruption.
[3] American Psychological Association. Appropriate use of high-stakes testing in our nation’s schools.
[6] National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). School to prison pipeline.
[7] American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). The school to prison pipeline.
[8] Underwood, J., Mead, J. (2012). A smart ALEC threatens public education. Education Week.
[9] Libbey, K. & Sanchez, A. (2011). For or against children? Rethinking Schools Volume 26 No.1 - Fall 2011. Retrieved from
[10] Elk, M., Sloan, B. The hidden history of ALEC and prison labor. The Nation. Retrieved from
[11] Parents Across America (2012). Parents Across America members meet with USDE saying: “Listen to parents, change your policy direction.” Retrieved from
[12] U.S. Dept. of Education. School Improvement Grants.
[13] Ravitch, D. & Strauss, D. (2012). Does Obama understand Race to the Top? Washington Post, January 31, 2012.
[14] The Seattle Times (2011). Media-related grants by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
[15] Goldstein, D. (2011). Scrutiny on Murdoch’s school reform agenda grows. The Nation.
[16] Opting out of High-Stakes Testing.
[17] National Resolution to End High-Stakes Testing.
[18] Sumner, M., Silverman, C., & Frampton, M.L. (2010). School-based restorative justice as an alternative to zero-tolerance policies: Lessons from West Oakland. Thomas E. Henderson Center for Social Justice, University of California, Berkeley. Retrieved from
[20] Lutton, L. (2012) Stand for Children-endorsed candidates sweep elections.
[21] Parents Across America.
[22] Petition to dump Arne Duncan.
[23] Democracy Now.
[24] Freire, P. (1970). Pedagogy of the oppressed. New York, New York: Continuum Publishing.
[26] Zinn Education Project.

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